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Python for SecurityExperts Cybrary Review

That is my report on the  Cybrary course, Python for Security Professionals, To begin with, I must say i appreciate the model, the lessons are all free and you can purchase a certificate of completion (which may help validate the 15 CPEs the course is worth, if you want to justify that kind of thing) if you like at the end. However, the whole site model is interesting in that you could "complete" the courses (lol actually, I've "completed" most of the courses), and choose the relevant certificate, without ever having clicked the video links. That seemingly large security mistake type of invalidates the certificates, as everyone can obviously say the've completed the course and have the certificate with out done so. All of the aside, I enjoy the thought of free education material and we will now be delving into the content of the Python for Security Professionals course. Like my other reviews, I'm likely to go over the material and recommend th

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